Undercover Boss, Season 2, Episode 13 aired Sunday night on CBS, featuring UniFirst President and CEO Ronald Croatti. The toy train hobbyist puts on a giant wig and mustache to pose as Mike Daniels to check
out his company, which provides and cleans uniforms for such companies like Walmart. Season 2, Episode 13 of Undercover Boss saw Ronald Croatti have a lot of trouble with manual labor. Nonetheless, the nice man was very touched by the efforts of his employees.
In Owensboro, Kentucky, the CEO works with Dee Dee of the Sew/Seal Department, whose employees get incentives for their productivity. Croatti really has trouble sewing the name patches on the shirts, and Dee Dee said he "sucked." Dee Dee wants to go to college, but work and raising children interfere. She wants to be a clinical therapist, but is worried about the inflexible six tardies policy per year that are tolerated before one is let go. Family obligations can sometimes cause her to punch in late.
The next job Ronald Croatti does on Season 2, Episode 13 of Undercover Boss is in Sumter, South Carolina. He works with Squeeky, a Shipping Operator, and immediately has trouble folding aprons. When the head honcho tries to put the transparent covering on the uniforms, he's utterly slow, and prefers working at the sorter. Squeeky is about to get married, and like the previous owners (UniFirst took it over years earlier) because she felt more appreciated.
Monday, January 10, 2011
UniFirst CEO Ronald Croatti Really Struggle Doing Manual Labor
12:26 PM
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